In a distant future where robots are banned, the mad scientist Dr. Geppetto creates Pinocchio, a cyber boy, to keep him company. The government kidnaps Dr. Geppetto for his crimes and now, it is up to Pinocchio to save him from the danger he is in and become a real boy. Playtime: 5-7min | Going Out is a story-based card game that replicates the most unique experience of growing up as a teenager in a Middle Eastern household: asking your parents to go out. As you tackle obstacles like ditching younger cousins who want to tag along , you try to get the ultimate prize before the party time runs out: getting permission from both parents. | Vet's Pet is an interactive fiction game where you solve the town mysteries as the clinic’s beloved pet by day, and a world class detective by night. As the resident pet, you will not only help your fellow animals with their health, but also uncover certain neighborhood intrigues. |